Release Notes

Underwriter Correspondence

We are excited to announce the addition of a new feature to BrokerLift - Underwriter Correspondence. This feature provides underwriters with a secure and private space to manage files and notes associated with Applications and Policies.

Key Features:

  1. Upload and Attach Files and Notes: Underwriters can now upload and attach files and notes to any Application or Policy.

  2. View Previously Uploaded Files and Notes: All previously uploaded files and notes are visible to underwriters for easy reference.

  3. Download Previously Uploaded Files: Any previously uploaded file can be easily downloaded for offline viewing or sharing.

  4. Edit Notes for Previously Uploaded Files: The notes for any previously uploaded file can be edited as needed, providing flexibility and control over the information associated with each file.

  5. Delete Previously Uploaded Files: Any previously uploaded file can be deleted if it’s no longer needed, helping to keep the workspace clean and organized.

  6. Persistent Files: If an Underwriter adds a Correspondence file during the application process, the file will still be available if the application has been converted to a bound policy.

This new feature enhances the functionality of our platform and provides underwriters with the tools they need to effectively manage their work.